Z Aditivos

We care about people and their environment

Our distinctive nature

  • Z Aditivos

    Committed people

    People are the main asset and central focus of the Weber organisation. In their daily life, Weber people show high commitment to the company's objectives, look for excellence and contribute to the performance and development of Weber. Bringing innovation and offering higher value to our customers is only possible if Weber people are committed to listening to customers' needs and to delivering excellent service.

  • Widely shared knowledge

    Widely shared knowledge

    With some 10,000 people in more than 52 countriesWeber can tap into a very rich source of knowledge all over the world. Our wish and ability to teach and learn from each other as fast as possible helps us develop better and quicker solutions for our customers, wherever they are.

  • proximity


    The international reach of Weber complements its deep local reach in every country. Solutions are always designed locally, according to the local needs and habits. Products are manufactured at national or even regional scale, close to our customers.

  • Friendliness and consideration

    Friendliness and consideration

    The style of relation we tend to build is not a simple supplier - customer relation. We foster person-to-person relations and believe that all comments and suggestions are worth consideration.

  • Long-term and successful relationship with customers

    Long-term and successful relationship

    Beyond the quality and performance of the products, we are committed to serving our customers in a close, long-lasting, win-win relationship. We are committed to improving their working conditions, helping them to develop their own knowledge and activity.

Our market vision

At Weber, we believe that what matters most in the construction industry is
to care about people and their environment.

Our brand promises

For those who design,  for those who produce, for those who build, and for those who live in buildings

Caring for the safety and benefit of all. Making lives easier, more convenient and more comfortable.

We care for the well-being of people whether they use our products or live in the buildings made using our products

Caring about people. Listening to what matters to people and taking into account their needs. Helping everyone to grow. 

Responding to the multiplicity of challenges in today's world, and adapting to the diversity of the lives that populate it

We care about what matters to people

Caring about today. But also caring for the future. Taking responsibility to lead the change and build a tomorrow that is in harmony with its environment.

We care about our long-term responsibility